Height | Time | Age | TTM | Miner | N(tx) | Volume | Fee Rates | Σ Fees | % Full |
144,920 | 15:35UTC | 2m | 5:01 | verum…as8w | 1 | 50 VERUM | 0,0,0 | 0 | 0 |
144,919 | 15:30UTC | 7m | 3:00 | verum…muj7 | 1 | 50 VERUM | 0,0,0 | 0 | 0 |
144,918 | 15:27UTC | 10m | 12:00 | verum…2xps | 2 | 100 VERUM | 203,203,203 | 0 | |
144,917 | 15:15UTC | 22m | 6:00 | verum…3d8w | 2 | 100 VERUM | 203,203,203 | 0 | |
144,916 | 15:09UTC | 28m | 8:49 | verum…3xyv | 1 | 50 VERUM | 0,0,0 | 0 | 0 |
144,915 | 15:00UTC | 37m | 10:11 | verum…m703 | 2 | 100 VERUM | 203,203,203 | 0 | |
144,914 | 14:50UTC | 47m | 14:00 | verum…cdjd | 3 | 150 VERUM | 203,203,203 | 0 | |
144,913 | 14:36UTC | 1h 1m | 6:00 | verum…ny6r | 1 | 50 VERUM | 0,0,0 | 0 | 0 |
144,912 | 14:30UTC | 1h 7m | 10:00 | verum…5nk4 | 2 | 100 VERUM | 203,203,203 | 0 | |
144,911 | 14:20UTC | 1h 17m | 2:00 | verum…nqtd | 1 | 50 VERUM | 0,0,0 | 0 | 0 |
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